Overall I would say that I do a fairly good job of following the Canada Food Guide. I exceed the Vegetable and Fruit servings, and arrive fairly close to the others. The only problem is that because I am a vegetarian I get a lot of my protein from milk and cheese, which are both very high sources in protein, however they are not categorized as meat and alternative on the Canada Food Guide. In the future I should consume more alternatives to meat, such as beans and lentils (which I normally do eat a lot of, just not these three days). 

Another thing that we did not take into account in this assignment was our exercise levels. I know that I need to increase my physical activity levels to meet the Canada Food Guide suggestions. And so; 

Goals for the Future to achieve a better state of Wellness: 
1) consume more meat alternatives,
2) get 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

Thank you for reading my three day blog, and I hope to continue food blogging in the future (

In total today I ate, according to the Canada Food Guide;

  • 8/7 servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 6/6 servings of Grain products,
  • 3/3 servings of Milk and alternatives,
  • 1/2 servings of Meat and alternatives. 

As usual here are my comparisons to my RDI, macro and micro nutrients consumed. 

Day 3



Breakfast: Shredded wheat, ½ cup skim milk, small apple, ½ cup apple juice. 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  •  2 servings Vegetables and Fruit,
  •  2 servings Grain products, 
  •  ½ serving Milk and alternatives. 

Lunch: cheese and lettuce sandwich, 1 cup vegetables (carrots, cucumber, pepper), apple, 2 pieces of Swiss chocolate.

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with: 
  • 3 servings Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 2 servings of Grain products,
  • 1 serving of Milk and alternatives,

Dinner: 75 g fish, 1 cup of rice, 1 cup vegetable goulash (potatoes, peas, onions), ½ cup  homemade coleslaw, 1 ½ cups of milk.

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  • 2 servings of Grain products, 
  •  3 servings Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 1 servings of Meat and alternatives,
  • 1.5 servings of Milk and Alternatives. 
Overall food intake compared to the Canada Food Guide: 
  • 8/7 servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 8/6 servings of Grain products,
  • 2/3 servings of Milk and alternatives,
  • 1/2 servings of Meat and alternatives. 

Completing the same thing as Day 1 on www.fitday.com, the following images are my intakes compared to my DRI. 

Day 2



Breakfast: 1/2 cup apple juice, 1 apple, 2 slices of toast (with Becel and homemade marmalade). 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  • 2 servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 2 servings of Grain products,
  • and one serving of fat.

Snack AM: apple

As per the Canada Food Guide, this snack provides me with: 
  • 1 serving of Vegetables and Fruit

Lunch: Sand-which (two slices of whole grain bread, swiss cheese, lettuce), 3/4 cup vegetables (carrots, cucumber, celery - picture not available). 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  • 2 servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 2 servings of Grain products,
  • 1 serving of Milk and alternatives. 

Snack PM: Apple with cinnamon and green tea.

As per the Canada Food Guide, this snack provides me with:
  • 1 Vegetables and Fruit.

Dinner: Veggie burger on a bun with condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise) with tomato and lettuce, with 1 cup cooked carrots and corn, and 1 cup skim milk. 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  • 2 servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
  • 2 servings of Grain products,
  • 1 serving of Milk and alternatives,
  • 1 serving of Meat and alternatives. 

Evening Snack: 2 cups oven popped popcorn (homemade).

As per the Canada Food Guide, this snack offers me with: 
  • 2 servings of Grain products.

Canada Food Guide Servings: 

8/7 servings of Vegetables and Fruit

4 ½ /6 servings of Grains

2/3 servings of Milk and alternatives

1 ½ /2 servings of Meat and alternatives

After inserting the food I consumed for Day 1 into fitday.com, This site calculated my total my macronutrient and micronutrient intakes and compares this to my Dietary Reference Intake (DRI).  

Breakfast: ½ cup of Allen’s apple juice, 1 pear, 2 Weetabix biscuits, ½ cup skim milk. 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  •         2 servings of Vegetables and Fruits,
  •        1 serving of Grain products,
  •         ½ serving of Milk and Alternatives. 

Snack: 1 apple 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this snack provides me with:
  •         1 serving of Vegetables and Fruit. 

Lunch: 1 cup pasta casserole (pasta, peas, onions, mushroom, cheese), ¾ cup mixed raw vegetables (carrots, cucumber, celery) 

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with: 
  •          1 serving of Grain products,
  •          2 servings of Vegetables and Fruits,
  •          ½ servings of Milk and alternatives.

Snack: Whole wheat crackers.

As per the Canada Food Guide, this snack provides me with: 
  •         1 serving of Grain products.

Dinner: 1 cup homemade minestrone soup (carrots, lentils, pasta, tomatoes, broth), 1 cup milk, 1 cup peas, homemade baked potato fries, 75 g salmon.

As per the Canada Food Guide, this meal provides me with:
  •        3 servings of Vegetables and Fruit,
  •        1 serving Milk and alternatives,
  •        1 ½ servings of Meat and alternatives,
  •        ½ servings of Grain products.

Desert: 1 croissant, with whip cream and jam.

  •      1 serving of Grain products.


For a class assignment we were required to take pictures of the food we consume over the course of 3 days, and then analyze our nutrient intakes in reference with the Canada Food Guide. Here goes nothing! :) 


    How do I describe myself? I'm a Canadian teen, who eats vegetarian, and eats 95% of time homemade foods made by my family. :)